One Hive Foundation is live - Call for proposals Aug 30, 2023

One Hive Foundation is a private foundation that aims to promote pollinator health and ecologically responsible agriculture. As someone who cares deeply about the environment and the impact of human actions on our planet, I am excited to be helping this organization that is actively working...

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50 years of Beekeeping - Mike Palmer Jun 29, 2023

Celebrating 50 years in the beekeeping industry, Mike Palmer, a famous beekeeper in Vermont State, walked through his apiary with Dr. Humberto Boncristiani for an interview on the podcast. The two discussed the changes in the beekeeping industry over the last 50 years, including...

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New York Ban on Neonicotinoids - Birds and Bees Protection Act. apis mellifera helping the bees honey bees neonicotinoids pesticides Jun 22, 2023

Listen our Podcast Episode for more information.

BREAKING NEWS! Neonicotinoids banned in New York State  The New York State Legislature has passed the Birds and Bees Protection Act, which limits the use of neonicotinoid pesticides, commonly referred to as neonics. This bill is the first...

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The Potential Impact of Fungicides on Honey Bees pesticides pollination Mar 15, 2023

The use of synthetic chemicals to reduce crop losses from pests is a common practice in the agricultural industry. However, these chemicals can also be hazardous to honey bees, which are crucial in pollinating several crops, including blueberries, a billion-dollar industry. In a recent video by...

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Antiparasitic Effects of Three Floral Volatiles on Trypanosomatid Infection in Honey Bees. lotmaria parasites phytochemicals treatments May 31, 2022

This post references our new preprint posted to SSRN: Palmer-Young EC, Markowitz LM, Grubbs K, Zhang Y, Corona M, Schwarz R, et al. Antiparasitic Effects of Three Floral Volatiles on Trypanosomatid Infection in Honey Bees. 2022. SSRN preprint:

In our last...

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Punch in the gut: Parasite tolerance of phytochemicals reflects host diet. How plant chemistry could shape insect infection, provide treatments for infected bees, and mitigate transmission of a neglected tropical disease. comparative study nectar chemistry parasites trypanosomatids May 12, 2022

This post references our new article in Environmental Microbiology: Palmer-Young EC, Schwarz RS, Chen Y, Evans JD. 2022.Punch in the gut: Parasite tolerance of phytochemicals reflects host diet. Environmental Microbiology. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.15981 (...

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Hot and sour: parasite adaptations to honey bee body temperature and pH, and what it could mean for beekeeping and neglected tropical diseases apis mellifera honey bee research Nov 26, 2021

This post references our new article in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Hot and sour: parasite adaptations to honey bee body temperature and pH ( 

You can find the preprint on Biorxiv ( and a video summary...

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Mites alight! Sunflowers for Varroa resistance in honey bees? apis mellifera honey bee research mites pollen supplementation sunflower varroa destructor varroa mite Oct 31, 2021

Dr, Evan Palmer-Young, October 28, 2021

This post references our Biorxiv preprint on sunflowers, honey bees, and Varroa mites:

Mites alight! Sunflower crop area and pollen supplementation enhance honey bee resistance to Varroa destructor


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Engineered bacteria protect honey bee health - Livestream with Dr. Sean Leonard. apis mellifera bacteria honey bee honey bee research livestreams research varroa mite Mar 21, 2021


Dr. Sean Leonard

Dr. Sean Leonard is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Texas at Austin, where he studies honey bees and their gut bacteria. He completed his Ph.D. thesis in 2020, "Engineering the gut microbiome of honey bees," under the co-supervision of Dr. Nancy Moran...

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