Antiparasitic Effects of Three Floral Volatiles on Trypanosomatid Infection in Honey Bees. lotmaria parasites phytochemicals treatments May 31, 2022

This post references our new preprint posted to SSRN: Palmer-Young EC, Markowitz LM, Grubbs K, Zhang Y, Corona M, Schwarz R, et al. Antiparasitic Effects of Three Floral Volatiles on Trypanosomatid Infection in Honey Bees. 2022. SSRN preprint:

In our last...

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Punch in the gut: Parasite tolerance of phytochemicals reflects host diet. How plant chemistry could shape insect infection, provide treatments for infected bees, and mitigate transmission of a neglected tropical disease. comparative study nectar chemistry parasites trypanosomatids May 12, 2022

This post references our new article in Environmental Microbiology: Palmer-Young EC, Schwarz RS, Chen Y, Evans JD. 2022.Punch in the gut: Parasite tolerance of phytochemicals reflects host diet. Environmental Microbiology. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.15981 (...

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