Consulting services for beekeeping operations
The huge number of variables a beekeeper must simultaneously juggle to achieve success in their business is not comparable to any other industry. In beekeeping operations, the high cost of labor leaves limited support from highly trained employees, requiring the beekeeper to maintain expertise in several areas of knowledge, such as weather, accounting, logistics, banking, and honey bee health expertise. Unfortunately, on many occasions, beekeepers rely on intuitions to make management decisions.
NOT ANYMORE - we can help.
Is the hustle starting to feel like a hassle?
Bees not growing properly nor producing honey consistently, treatments not as effective as before and you are not sure what is going on. The industry is under constant pressure, and the natural world is changing quickly. We must be equipped with the knowledge, science, and conscience of nature to evolve along with it.
Beekeepers can take advantage of Dr. Boncristiani’s experience as an Applied Honey Bee Researchers and Honey Bee Health Professionals. We have had worked closely with dozens of commercial beekeeping operations both nationally and internationally.
From supervising the transition from a sideliner into a commercial beekeeper to the development and overseeing of an annual management system (Varroa control, feeding protocols, weather watch, location scouting, onsite visits, diagnostic services, crew education, and private research), beekeepers can count on our expertise to get the knowledge they need to make better management decisions.
Independently of the operation type (Honey production, Queen rearing, Pollination services), we will provide adequate science-based information to help you reduce costs and maximize gains without hurting the most important asset, the bees, and the beekeepers.